What Do You S.E.E. In Your Community

By: Wendy Twine  What do you think about or feel when you hear the word home? For many of us, the place we call home has to do with more than just the house we live in, but the community we dwell in too.  Many times the community has more weight in the decision [...]

By |2019-10-14T21:53:32-04:00September 29th, 2019|General, Real Estate|Comments Off on What Do You S.E.E. In Your Community

How’s Your Vision

Most people when they hear vision, get hung up on sight. Sight is the function of your eyes; where vision, is a function of the heart. I want you to see and think about where you are going, not only in life but when it comes to buying your home. Have you heard the [...]

By |2019-07-25T13:10:00-04:00July 25th, 2019|General, Real Estate|Comments Off on How’s Your Vision
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