Six Purposes to Adversity
Today’s reflection on #50daysto50 is about what causes the adversity in our lives. If you haven’t been able to keep up with my other reflections along this line, you can go to
I have been sharing a lot about how life’s journey will many times take you through a period or stage in your life called the desert or wasteland. I have had more of my time on the back side of desert than I care to spend but know that it has been to my benefit.
Beacon Contracting
I remember when we lived in Chesapeake and my husband and I had our first contracting business. We had two children (three and one) and I was pregnant with our last child when we had started. This was the early 90’s. Anyhow, it was also a time when we as a country were going through Desert Storm.
We were a year and a half into our new business when all was going well for the most part considering how hard starting a business is and the economic environment we were in when half of our area seemed deployed at the time.
I was at a place of wanting more in my life. It’s materially that I am referring to, though that would have been nice too. There was a cry in my heart to go where ever God said go, Do what ever God said to do, and Speak what ever God said to speak. Be careful what you pray for because he does answer and not always the way you want.
Hell Broke Loose
Anyhow, all hell broke loose on my husband and I. We had were working with three builders at the time and one every so often. Our company primarily did new construction at that time. Well long story short the two developments we had contracts with for whatever reason (not a good one), decided to get other subs. The third one just stop calling us as he was builder/investor and flipped houses. The fourth one disappeared all together.
We went from income coming in to no income and for a long time that we end up closing our doors. This was a time/stage where the desert stage was beginning. It wasn’t long after, that God had us move to the country. You might as well put me in an insane asylum. Because this is how I felt.
The Wasteland
You see I was a city girl and taking me to the country was not in my idea of I’ll go anywhere, do anything or say anything for God. I was used to having five grocery stores in a three mile radius to now I’d have to travel 30 minutes to the nearest grocery store.
It went from me doing so many activities with our kids, riding around on our bikes, like the library, the park, and friends. That now going around the corner to see someone was 5-10 miles away. No riding bikes with kids being 10-7 years old on a highway.
Six Purposes for Adversity
This is when I was going through one if not two purposes of adversity. Let me first of all share the six purposes of adversity:
- Our Sonship – This is our relationship with Abba Father and he disciplines those whom he loves. (Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:7)
- Our Identification with Others – This helps us understand other peoples heart aches, suffering and pain when we have gone through adversity. (2 Corinthians 1:4, 1 Corinthians 12:26)
- Our Testing – I have already talked much about the four stages of test which are the black hole/pit, desert, preparation and success. This is allowing us to become like refined gold. (1 Peter 1:7
- Our Calling and Preparation – Adversity develops our soul muscles so to speak through trials, testings and problems. We are to count it all joy because of the fruit that will be developed by it. (James 1:2-4)
- Our Ability to Trust God’s Faithfulness – Adversity teaches us to depend on God and realize our provision is not in our own strength or wisdom. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
- Our Sin – Will bring on adversity in our personal lives or our corporate lives. I have recently been guilty in this area of not writing for three years and God was allowing all my business to dry up no matter what I did. The sad thing is I was being wise in my own eyes and had to repent for thinking I knew better. Since I have started writing God is bringing more clarity now on steps I am to be taking in business. Before it was getting worse by the month then day as if in a fog because of my disobedience.
These 6 purposes to adversity are from Os Hillman’s book “The Upside to Adversity but I have used my own interpretation and how they have related to me. If you are dealing with adversity in your life right now, evaluate which purpose it may be serving to help you understand. And if your in disobedience, quickly repent to move towards your promise land.
Which purpose spoke most to you or have you experienced most? Please share.