The Frustrations Begin

Today’s reflection on #50daysto50 is about frustrations. If you missed the other reflections and want to catch up, go to

Frustration QuoteHow can one be so excited about a “birth” in their life and yet also feel very frustrated? Well the last time I wrote, I talked about our dreams and visions are much like a “birth” when they become a reality.

Just as a baby that comes on the scene, we are so wowed by their tiny fingers and their tiny toes, their little nose, etc. We are amazed at the handiwork of God in another creation.  But what happens when God gives you the “birth” of your vision and you are frustrated now with how to care for it?

Frustrated Parents

There are a many moms and dads that totally feel frustrated within 24 hours of giving birth or bringing the baby home and not knowing what a cry means.

Is the baby hungry, sleepy, needs a diaper change or in pain? Which is it and what do you do? In most cases when you feel this way, you will usually go to your own mother or friend and ask them what should you do.

Well it is the same many times when we start the vision that God has given us and we feel an arrange of emotions all at one time.

Spell Success

I will be sharing over the next few days as I am finishing this theme 50 days to 50 to share with you what I have learned and how it may help you. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I have had an entrepreneur spirit since I was a little girl.

If you desire to be one or a better one, I will share with you what mistakes I have done and learned from and what I should have done differently.

These next few days I will also emphasis how I spell S.U.C.C.E.S.S.. And yes, I love acronyms too. This helps me to remember important principles in my life and share it with others.

I won’t bore you with all the frustrations I encountered as a professional but mostly what I have learned in the last few years as a service contractor and realtor. And out of those frustrations how God birthed in me a vision to help others who may felt like me, both as a customer and as a professional.

I want to encourage you to not give up on your dream or vision “when the going gets tough” but become “the tough gets going” person/professional by giving you the principles and tools to help you be S.U.C.C.E.S.S.ful.

What principles and tools are you using now to overcome any of your frustrations? Please share.