Your Vision Being Tested
Today’s reflection on #50daysto50 is about your dream. If you missed any o there reflections you can go to to see more.
The last reflection I shared about the black hole experience, but I wanted to elaborate more that God does not leave us in the black hole and how the progress from our black hole is for our good.
When we come out of the black hole of being totally blind sided from our resources being taken that we were dependent on, whether family, finances, fame, etc., we then enter into the time of the desert or the wasteland.
Now please don’t stop reading because your thinking I don’t want any more doom and gloom. I promise you there are treasures in the desert. Most of us can’t see it because we are being blinded by what we knew in our comfort zone.
My blackhole was when my husband and I lost our first born after 4 months of age due to complications of being born at 24 weeks. After that I went through a desert or wasteland experience for many years.
Treasures In The Desert
See there are treasures in the desert that God wants to give you and me. And he can’t give them to us until we are trusted first. Lets explain these purposes according to Moses in Deuteronomy 8:1-5 but first let me tell you about Dream Giver.
When God gives you a vision for your life, you will have to go through the dessert experience first. In the book the Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson, this book is a parable about a person named “Ordinary” leaving his comfort zone to pursue his Big Dream but has to go through the Wasteland first to get there.
5 Purposes For The Dessert
So, lets talk about the 5 purposes of the desert. The first purpose is to humble you. The second purpose is to test you. The third purpose is to experience God’s miracles of provision for you. The fourth purpose is to get you to focus on spiritual things and to let you know you can’t live alone on your own substance but on God’s word. And then the fifth purpose according to Moses is to discipline us. This is for you to come out of childhood and go into maturity.
God’s Best
You see when God gifts us with a vision, he wants us to know that he is the one who will be our resource and provision in making that vision into reality. Otherwise if you try to do it in your own strength and not submit to God’s process you will find that you are either spinning your wheels (I call it working harder not smarter) and/or you are settling for less than God’s best.
[tweetthis]God desire to give you and me so much more than we can imagine. [/tweetthis]
So were are you in your journey of life? Do you have a vision? Are you in a black hole where you have been blindsided? Are you in the wasteland? or have you entered into your promise land? Please share where you are in your journey and what you are learning or have learned.