God’s Say-So

Today’s reflection on #50daysto50 is about whose report will you believe.  If you missed any of the other reflections and would like to catch up, go to wendytwine.com/50daysto50.


We live in an age when we are hearing so much more of everybody’s say-so. It’s not just your Mama’s say-so, your Daddy’s say-so, your Bosses say-so, your bff (best friend’s forever) say-so, and on and on.

With us living in an information age where there is a lot of information but not much revelation, this is what I want to talk about.

Do You Believe Every Say-so?

We can get so caught up in listening to everyone’s advice, opinion, counsel, coaching, etc. that we are not taking the time to hear what God’s say-so is in the matter. Yes there is wisdom in the counsel of a multitude of advisors but when its all said and done, does the say-so align with what God’s word says.

Words of Wisdom

I am referring to God’s word being the Bible. Its been given to us for our instruction. It isn’t about a bunch of rules but a road map, blue print, or a manual on how we are to live and do life in the here and now.

If you need wisdom on your business, it’s in there. If you need wisdom about your marriage, its in there too. If you need wisdom about how handle your finances, there is a bunch about that in there as well.

Be Aware

We need to be very careful on whose report or say-so we listen too. Take everything to God in prayer and then see if he will confirm his word with two or three witnesses. This is how our faith will be established. Faith also comes as we hear the word of God.

Haven’t you believed something the more you hear no matter who the source is. Well we want the say-so we are speaking and listening to to align with God’s say-so. Also, the more we speak God’s say-so the more our faith will arise. And we will have our say-so according to God’s say-so.

I leave you with this from Proverbs 18:21,“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

What fruit are you eating today? I hope its from the from the tree of life. Please share.