Today’s reflection on #50daysto50 is about connecting with a group of supporters. If you missed any of the other reflections go to

As I have been reflecting over these last 50 years, I have realized that it is very important to have a group of supporters who will help you in difficult times.

I know I mentioned that I was going to cover what S.U.C.C.E.S.S. meant to me but today I have to talk about support.

consumerYou see today I have been very challenged in my personal life that is showing me how much I need supporters who will stand with me through prayer, encouragement, declaring and blessing over me and my family during this time.

I can’t even share what all is going on but I know this much, any time you pursue the call of God on your life, you will have resistance. I am asking you to please stand with those who you love and believe in to show your support that you will be there.

I need people to hold my arms up in prayer right now like Moses had when Joshua was in battle. He had Aaron and Hur to help him hold up his arms so that Joshua could win the battle that he was in.

Your Joshua could be your family, your ministry, your business, etc. You are the person who is standing in the gap for the above. You could be the parent, the business owner, etc.

So today I petition you to please support those who you believe in and be their Aaron or Hur.