If you’re like myself, you have needed help at one time or another.
I found myself starting to go through this metamorphous stage starting in 2002. I was transitioning from a full time mom into a co-owner of a home improvement contracting company with my husband and still raising teenagers.
You know it’s like the worm that goes into a cocoon and begins to change what it was intend to become. It wasn’t meant to just be the worm but to go to greater heights as a butterfly.
Now don’t take me wrong I was not one of those moms who thought of her role as a graveling position. On the contrary I loved being a mom and loved spending as much time with my children as possible. But then God!!! He spoke to my heart and told me it was time to have more preparation for this new position in life. The children would only be with me for just a few more years.
So over time I began my journey going back to college to fulfill a long time dream of becoming a nurse. I had at one time been a nursing student but dropped out due to a complicated pregnancy with our first-born son. My husband challenged my thinking about going into nursing because I was so anti-pharmaceutical and much into nutrition over the years.
He asked me to consider learning real estate as that was my second interest and it would complement our contracting business. I prayed and then I pursued learning and doing real estate while taking business courses to get my associate degree in Business Administration.
So why do I tell you all this? Well the reason is because while I was on this journey of transitioning and struggling through this process, I wanted someone to come along side me to help set me free from my cocoon; or for someone to give me some magical pill to swallow to calm all my apprehensions, fears, anxieties, etc. Thank God He didn’t answer my prayers.
You see if He had sent someone to answer my prayers, it may have been to my detriment. Just like the butterfly if we tear open the cocoon to set if free, we actually expedite its death. The purpose of the struggle in the cocoon is for the butterfly to strengthen its wings so that it can fly.
Looking back now over the struggles that I went through was for my good. At the time I felt like I was being suffocated and confined. Actually what was happening was God was allowing me to depend on Him for that much more for my survival.
If I had taken any easy way out, I would not have the endurance for the long haul of what God has for my life and business. There is a proverb that says, “There is a way that seems right to man but in the end it leads to death.” (14:12 NIV).
Ok, what does this mean for you? Now that I have passed through the cocoon process and on the other side (my children are grown and married), I am now a full time professional homepreneur/networker – in the home services industry.
I want to share with you my journey of how I evolved into this new place. If your feeling this call to evolve into a new place or position as well, I want to share with you on what to expect; or at least understand what may be required of you on this journey into Homepreneurship God’s Way.